Andean Notions of Nature and Harm, and the Disempowerment of Andean Healers 192 chapter eight. Glimpses of the Protective Powers of Andean Rituals in the Highlands 175 chapter seven. From Outspoken Criticism to Clandestine Resistance 136 chapter six. Talking to Demons: The Intensified Persecution of Andean Religious Specialists (ca. The Sickening Powers of Christianity: A Response by Andean Religious Specialists 68 chapter four. Civil Versus Ecclesiastical Authorities 47 chapter three. Or, The Historians’ Insights into the World of Colonial Andean Religious Specialists 26Ĭhapter two. Indians of South America- Peru-Rites and ceremonies. 3. Indians of South America-Peru-Religion. 2. pages cm Includes bibliographical references and index. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Dataīrosseder, Claudia, 1973– The power of huacas : change and resistance in the Andean world of colonial Peru / by Claudia Brosseder. Box 7819 Austin, TX 78713-7819 form ♾ The paper used in this book meets the minimum requirements of ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992 (R1997) (Permanence of Paper). Copyright © 2014 by the University of Texas Press All rights reserved Printed in the United States of America First edition, 2014 Requests for permission to reproduce material from this work should be sent to: Permissions University of Texas Press P.O. This book was produced with the help of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and Heidelberg University. The power of huacas Change and Resistance in the Andean World of Colonial Peru Weeping Statues: The End of Jesuit Demonology and the Survival of an Andean Culture Andean Notions of Nature and Harm, and the Disempowerment of Andean HealersĨ.

Glimpses of the Protective Powers of Andean Rituals in the Highlandsħ. From Outspoken Criticism to Clandestine ResistanceĦ.

The Sickening Powers of Christianity: A Response by Andean Religious SpecialistsĤ. Civil Versus Ecclesiastical Authoritiesģ.

A Land Obsessed with Confessions or, The Historians’ Insights into the World of Colonial Andean Religious SpecialistsĢ.